Thursday, January 3, 2008

I Think I Gots My Passions Bizack!!

It weird how easily we all can forget. My reasoning for choosing Kucinich in the beginning was, among other things, the fact that he reminds me of myself a small bit. He does this by saying what he believes in, whether it will appeal to everyone isn't the important, what is important is that it is what he believes in, and that is the way I am. If you talk to me for just 10 minutes you will here fuck and shit more often then you could imagine, but I believe those words are necessary to describe many situations, you may also be stunned at what I say yet people always talk about how the can connect with me and how they like me, people say the same of Kucinich, yet I doubt he says fuck and shit allot. Gotta run....I'm out!!

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