Thursday, January 3, 2008

Apocolyptic Forecast

And so it goes the Forecast for St. Pete, 29 degrees, forecast for Daytona Beach 19 degrees and SNOW!!! Forecast for Nashua, NH 4 degrees with a wind chill of -15. Finally a forecast for Joel, continued Flue Symptoms with the possibility of insanity due a massive reading and paper assignment combined with the cold heart of a close "Friend" and the tough decision of what campaign to continue on. When I hear all of that it makes want to lookout for frogs falling from the sky and for four men riding into town on a white, red, black, and pale horse(s).

Well hopefully this is not the Apocalypse, but if it was I would just be like eh, whatever. I took yesterday off to rest a little, while it did help I am still a bit miserable feeling. I'm not sure what to do about the campaign, It seems as though I will give the other Kucinich office a chance, maybe it will be better organized then the other. While I highly doubt it we shall see. Till we meet again.

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